I want to say I love you
I can’t
I want to say I love you
I won’t
It’s a strong statement
A friend once said unknowingly that it could destroy
Another said knowingly that it has the ability to build
Right now I’m torn
My mind keeps ringing
‘I love her’
‘I love her not’
I want to say I love you but why am I held betwixt decisions
Why am I at crossroads?
But I thought it’s the right thing to say
The right thing to say when boy meets girl
Boy says ‘hello’ to girl
Girl says ‘hi’ to boy
Boy buys girl some things
And girl says yes to boy
Hmm . . . .
I really want to
But . . . I heard someone whisper behind me last Sunday in church that Love is patient, it is self controlled. . .
I heard an impatient listener whisper back “hush it’s not that kind of love Apostle Paul refers to in the letter to the Corinthians. The love between a man and a woman is so different . . . .
I wanted to hastily add my own comments and concerns, and then I remembered ‘husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church’
Still I do want to say I love you
As Christ loves the church
Can I give up my status and position (that’s if I have one) for you?
As Christ loves the church
Can I indeed lay down my life for you?
As Christ loves the church
Can I give up my body to be nailed to a cross for you? . . . aargh that’s extreme and out of the way. I heard the death on the cross was the most excruciating and painful death then. Let me make it more modern. So I paraphrase.
As Christ loves the church
Can I give up my body to the electric chair for you?
As Christ loves the church
Can I endure the fires of hell for you?
As Christ loves the church
Can I endure persecution and false accusation for your sake?
As Christ loves the church
Can I take whips embedded with blade for you?
As Christ loves the church
Would I take you back if I found out you were cheating on me?
As Christ loves the church
Would I take you back if I found you in the most degrading immoral act?
As Christ loves the church
Would I endure your weakness?
As Christ loves the church
Would I take the pain to pick you up each time you fall?
As Christ loves the church
Would I wait for you?
As Christ loves the church
Would I love you as Christ love the church
I want to say I love you
But still, I’m torn!
It’s a sacred statement
It’s no ordinary statement
It has the power to build
It has the power to destroy
Words of the mouth
I want to say I love you
But still, I’m at CROSSROADS
And I know why I’m at crossroads
Because true love is at the foot of the cross
But I choose the right path
The path which leads me down CROSSROADS
The road to the cross
I wait because here, love is patient
I wait to say I love you
I would wait till my single lady has THE RING on her middle finger
But for now, I rather not say I love you
I rather show you I love you
As Christ loves the church