Monday, May 25, 2009

Hope for Today 4

The past always has a way of getting in our way to the future. Our wonderful,yet to be seen future. But we all have to make up our minds that we would not let our past get in the way. The thing is. . . The past is in the past and is past. Wait a sec, that not just a cliché it's the TRUTH. The plain TRUTH. We should live with a knowing that our past is not us. It only happened to us to prepare us for the future whether good or bad. If we fail to see it this way, we will be robbed of our joy of living, or on the contrary we will relent in our past achievement and glory. True word, the consequences of our past actions might show up on the doorstep our present lives. We should see this as an avenue to learn. Lo and behold, knowledge is power. We should see it as an opportunity to gain strenght, an avenue to be stronger. Last words; the past is past, learn from the mistakes made.
Today is for you to enjoy,enjoy it. Show someone love, forgive someone( I tell you it makes you lighter), give, and choose to never give up.
The future is a package that would surprise you with joy.
Live for today expecting the joy of tomorrow.
Muaaawwwh. . . . U R LUVED

-- Post From My iPhone

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