Monday, October 25, 2010


Your love goes after me like a desperate father chasing a wayward child

Your love pursues me even to the depths of hell

Making my bed there is no option

Your love has carried me before I spread the sheets

Your love like a light chasing away the shadows chases away fears

It would change me

That’s what you believe

That’s the core of your heart

It would draw me out of the depths of sin

Your hope

It is the light that has conquered my present darkness

Your surety

Your love goes on and on like a never ending song

Your love has done a work in me

Your love is revealing a work in me

Your love is patient

Your love is merciful

Your love is a mirror

A mirror that shows me what love is

I might fall a thousand times

Your love picks me a million times

I might fall a thousand times

And a nagging thought tells me that You are wasting this love

But isn’t it me wasting Your love

A Love too precious to waste

But at least it leaves an impression

Your love is an impression on my heart

For the sake of blind eyes that can’t see the light of love

For the sake of the stubbornness of a soul that needs to be engrafted

For the sake of a forgetful mind that fails to count its blessings talk less remembering their names

And for the sake of cruel unfaithfulness in the face of true and pure faithfulness

Let your love remain

Let it go on like a the music of eternity

Let it pour in heavy showers on me

Lavish it on this soul

Let it be a mirror I see you through

And in the long run, with the arm of patience that I might be changed

Seeing me as I change through the mirror of your love

P.S -

Christ didn’t die for us because we’re worth dying for, but because He is intrinsically love, and loves infinitely

– C.S. Lewis

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