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There would be seasons
There would be seasons you would have to wear the same tarred clothes for a long time
And walk in old shoes till they are due to have holes
Don't worry He would keep you
And Don't worry if the holes do not appear
There would be seasons you would be like a channel, you just can't store anything for the future
Somehow the future comes and you are replenished
You have enough to feed your household
There is no plenty but you are not empty
There's joy and enough food on the table
Sometimes we need to live like the sojourner that we are to remind ourselves that our God is faithful
When we trust him even when we wear the same clothes for a hundred years, they don't grow old
When we trust him even when we wear the same shoes for a thousand, they don't have holes
When we trust him even when we have nothing in our store houses at night we need not worry about breakfast
With the dawning of a new day he would rain enough manna for us and our household
The beauty of these moments
The beauty of these seasons is the beauty that springs forth in our souls
We are truly beautiful once again
Like how it was meant to be, we can't do without him in the 'evenings' once more
We trust
We long for his presence
We stop the 'Gomer' parade and find our rootings like cedars of Lebanon in the One by which we've been named
And somehow that's all we need
For a world that nothing in it remains when all is said and done
His presence sustains
P.S. - This day, my heart goes out to everyone (reading this) who is in a hard place. There might not be enough in the storehouse but look at the breakfast table. He has been faithful. Say 'Thank You'.
'Don't keep' I heard
'Take enough for you and your family'
'Eat and be merry'
Some kept it till the next day and there were worms at their table
(to be contd.)
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