Thursday, June 23, 2011


She’s quick to say beauty is beyond skin deep because she isn’t
But beauty that which is skin deep sure opens doors
But wait. . . .
Isn’t it fleeting?

It is a blessing to be beautiful
They that know that don’t suffer from the disease it brings
Cause they have found its everlasting cure
It’s a blessing not to be beautiful
They that know that don’t die of the shame it brings

If you say you are not beautiful, you haven’t found your purpose
Some need that which is skin deep and that which isn’t to fulfill their life mission
Some only need the later
None can fulfill it without the later
She who stands amidst a sea of faces to boast that she can fulfill hers only with the former is one who abuses beauty.


  1. The last line sums it up so beautifully, "She who stands amidst a sea of faces to boast that she can fulfill hers only with the former is one who abuses beauty."

  2. Oh Jaycee! Yes it sure does. I wrote this on a long ride across the country. it settle a lot of my struggles with what 'inner beauty' really means :)

  3. Oh Jaycee! Yes it sure does. I wrote this on a long ride across the country. it settle a lot of my struggles with what 'inner beauty' really means :)



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