Monday, May 20, 2013

Second Chance.

Image via Pinterest
Sometimes we can start over again
We can begin with 'hippiness' and free love
With big jackets and colorful shoes that makes the world go 'ahhh!'
Cause in that moment nothing matters anymore
You are free and you've been given a second chance at life
You run around in circles on the street
Spend hours watching the birds feed
Stop and take time to breathe in the gift of oxygen you've taken for granted so long

I think something breaks in the human heart when we think 'oh no this is the end' and it turns out to be a beginning
It breaks, irreparable and its beautiful. Left like that, it's beautiful. So beautiful.

Cause you see friend, not all broken things is in need of repair.
The human default should be brokenness so it can be constantly in touch with wholeness
Thirsty, so the water is never taken for granted

Don't be shy, oh don't be shy
If you find yourself yearning for life in a community of rigid people, don't fake!
Be true to yourself.
Be true to the calling.
Be true to that which is drawing you
You are nearer to the place you originated from when you ache for something more
Be true to the fabric your thread has strayed from
Embrace the second chance
Don't be cynical

Cause friend second chances never repeat themselves
After the second chance is a third chance not another second chance
And the second chance comes with a certain type of epiphany, an awakening, a realization to the things that matters most.
It is the chance we have before the numbness starts to set in

And if the second chance is a new beginning and the life we always had never counts anymore, why do we find it so hard to let go of the reputation we use to know?

P.S- 54 days after writing this I read through again I found out I had written this for myself in the first place. But this is for you, for all of us. Cause we all need the thrill of the second chance.

And the picture is titled 'Dive'. What are you waiting for? :)

Honestly sometimes what makes us hold back is that THEY would laugh at our 'colorful shoes'. But is it worth it? And by the way THEY is never defined. Why live your life with THEY as a factor?

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