Things stop working.
Life is at a stand still.
The fear of life and failure overwhelms.
You loose a loved one.
When you don't know what to do, what do you do?
The normal reaction is always a form of action, maybe cause there's always an 'action' in every 're-action'. But in times like this the best action is to pause and pray.
Do you believe that prayer (no matter how broken we come) is moving the hand that holds the world?
Do you believe that prayer is giving God the space to do the work we can't on our behalf?
Do you believe that prayer could bring about change, real physical change, just that act of kneeling and raising your words to the heavens?
Prayer's got so much potential power in it. It has the ability to make great amount of power available, Power powerful than any nuclear plant. Power that can make the sun stand still.
And the best thing we can do when we don't know what to do is to PRAY!
Sometimes all it takes is a surrendering in the place of prayer and being still and in that very moment you are giving up your control to God.
Sometimes all it takes is speaking words of grace and hope that come on your heart
Sometimes all it takes is reminding the forces of evil where and what they do not own and showing them their boundary line marked by the Blood
And most times all it takes is listening cause then we hear heaven's fashion for a course of action that might turn things around for good.
Prayer is the path to accurate precision in life. It's communicating(hearing and listening) with God and if we truly believe in God, he can't go wrong.
Most don't pray because of former disappointments, most don't pray in response to the feelings that well up inside, most don't pray because it's illogical and doesn't make so much outright sense, but friend is this what makes outright sense?: that when we are at crossroads and barriers, we go ahead blindly and find a solution and do the work that brings us back to where we are? Is that what makes sense?
Prayer is no false hope or a playful endeavour, it's power.
But never misunderstand a wish for a prayer. A prayer has a stamp and heaven recognises when it arrives at it's door.
In whose name do you pray?
"You haven't done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy." - Jesus (John 16:24, NLT)
P.S. - Please join me in prayers for my country Nigeria as we've just suffered a tragedy. A lot of people died as a result of a plane (carrying 153 people) and setting up several houses on fire in the Lagos area.
I personally have decided to mourn this by going off social media ( twitter, facebook) for the next three days, store up my tweet/update ideas in the new ubersocial feature and at every moment an idea to tweet comes to my mind remember that little one whose parents might have been on the plane or that parent whose little one might have been on the plane and say a prayer instead of sending out a tweet. So please pray for Nigeria. I resume all things social media on Thursday, see you then.
And if by any means you decide to join in this cause for the next three days( #SendAPrayerInsteadOfATweet ), Just update the #(hashtag) as your last update on all your social profile for the next three days and let me know in the comment section. Thanks :)