I tip toe into the T.V. room
‘Will He come today?’ is the question that hits hard at my heart
A sense of confusion awakens me from the hands of the night and pulls me in still
So what am I to do?
I have come
I find my place on an empty side and seat still
My mind is sour
I want my bed
I doze a bit
I snooze for a while
My attention thaws
My mind wanders
And it’s then I remind myself I’m not an alarm
Why should I snooze in the first place?
And it’s then I am alarmed!
Alarmed by the truth that it’s a privilege
It dawns on me twenty five minutes into the ordeal that he’s been waiting for me long before I came.
And I came 15 minutes late
Actually I woke up 5 minutes late
I struggled with the inevitable hand that invites us to nature’s rest for the next 10
And finally I threw back the duvet, found my bedroom slippers and walked over like a knackered fresh army intake invited for his first drill
This is not a drill, I have to remind myself
It’s a privilege
An invitation to meet with the King of all the richest kings of the earth and more is a privilege.
I wouldn’t mind a morning with the Sultan of Brunei
In fact a couple of mornings
Guilt flushes my face as I think on that
When the Divine invites me on mornings and I feel jaded about it ; I need to see
Maybe I’m blind to who he is
He is God
The sultan would one day pass and shouldn’t be compared to the One whom he will one day answer to
Last time I heard
He’s bigger than this room
He’s bigger than this earth
He’s finger span is bigger than entire universe
And last time I checked
He’s been waiting for me long before I came in 20 minutes late
And I’m wondering
How does a big God fits himself into my ‘tiny’ TV room to talk to little me?
Stepping Out:
The Christian is peculiar. He has a God that wants to meet with him or her, A God that wants intimacy and wants to know the individual personally, the real God. But most have made him into a ‘Sunday’ God, a God who is lofty and doesn’t indulge or isn’t concerned with our affairs. Or like the character in the verse above, some see relating to him as a duty.
But seriously, I beg to differ. . .
There can be expressions. There can be a dance. There can be a song of love. He can be a best friend and I’m learning that too. But wait. . . Like all relationships, our relationship with the Divine requires time, openness and some other things we overlook. And it's important to note that quantity does not equal quality but quality has to be consistent to retain quality.
So what can you do today to increase the quality of your time with God? Who knows you might just be starting out or you might have stopped overtime due to not ‘meeting him there’. I want to encourage you, it’s not too late. God would redeem the lost time and draw you close. So back to the question: what can you do today to increase the quality of your time with God?
It might be simple as resetting your alarm wake-up time.
Till Next time